
Showing posts from April, 2009

Leicester Zen Peacemaker activities get going!

We've started to hold regular trainings in Zen and Buddhist meditation in Leicester now, inviting people to Zang and Laura's bungalow in Glenfield for individual or group practice. Monday nights will be a weekly Great Heart Circle similar to Manchester's last year. Starting at 7.30 each week, people are invited to share in relaxation, Zen meditation, simple movement exercises and a weekly mini-feast to end! The first weekly meeting was tonight (Monday 6th April) and began in a good spirit with friendly, warm-hearted people coming along for the first time. I hope this will be the beginning of a creative and supportive Zen community here in Leicester, to link with the ones growing in Manchester and Leeds.

Multi-Faith Peace Action Network Meeting in Chorlton, Sun 5th April 2009

On Sunday in Tim's house in Chorlton, Manchester, we held the third multi-faith peacemaker circle, now titled the 'Multi Faith Peace Action Network'. Representatives from three different Buddhist traditions were present- Nicherien, Zen and Theravadin, plus an Anglican Christian vicar and a Roman Catholic. John and Frankie had prepared an excellent and thoughtful presentation on Martin Luther King Jr to mark the anniversary of his death, and we had a discussion following this. Then we held a Council Circle as used often in Zen Peacemakers meetings, which was much appreciated by all I think, giving the opportunity to speak deeply from the heart. The next meeting will be 7-8.30pm on Saturday 30th May, to be held in Withington in Howard Bamforth's house following the Zen Peacemaker Circle the same day.

Manchester Zen Peacemaker Circle, April 4th 2009

We had a Peacemaker Circle meeting in Howard's house on Saturday. Howard, John, Dannie, Bea, Suleyman, Simon and Zang were present. By popular demand we began with guided relaxation meditation as used in the weekly Great Heart Circle group followed by a short checking-in council circle. Then John gave an excellent presentation on Martin Luther King Jr, heped by Simon and Bea. This prompted lively discussion! After a shared lunch, we had a session of Zazen, followed by listening to a recording by Marsall Rosenberg, founder of Non Violent Communication, explaining the outlines of his approach to conflict resolution. This also prompted lively discussion! We finished with a final council circle and arranged the date for the next meeting as Sat 30th May, to be held in Howard's once again...