
Showing posts from August, 2009

New Website!

We now have a new website for UK Great Heart Community and Zen Peacemakers events: Upcoming events will be posted there as well as here from now on, though this blog will still be the place where we record accounts of events that have happened... We're going to start using the name "Great Heart Society" now for the overall actvities in the UK- then the Manchester events will be called 'Great Heart Zendo' and the weekly meetings 'Great Heart Circle' and so on. Take care, Zang 28/8/09

Listening as a Spiritual Practice- Manchester Training Day 13th Sept 2009

Dear Friends, The Manchester Great Heart Zendo would like to invite you to a Zen Peacemakers Day of Reflection on Sunday 13th September 2009 at Howard Bamforth's house in Withington, South Manchester. This will be an open training day, suitable for beginners and more experienced people alike, and anyone is welcome to attend. Guests are welcome to start arriving from 9am onwards for coffee and a chat, and we aim to start the formal programme at 10am. The day will be held in friendly silence to help deepen our presence and non-verbal communication, except where talking is really necessary. There will be a shared lunch, and we aim to finish about 5pm. The theme of the day will be Listening as a Spiritual Practice . We will learn and practice silent Zen meditation together; Howard will give a presentation on his own practice of listening to classical music and let us listen to some; Zang will give a presentation on listening to the Heart , drawing on both Buddhist and Sufi teac...