
Showing posts from February, 2011

Leicester Great Heart Circle Celebrates Rabbie Burns!

Our Leicester 'Great Heart Circle', which meets the first Thursday of every month to train in Zen meditation, this evening celebrated the Scots poet Robert Burns! Last week on 25th it was Burns night, and to link with that we read his poem To A Mouse, learned to sing A Red Red Rose, and ate (vegetarian!) haggis, neeps and tatties. We piped in the haggis (on tin whistle, not bagpipes, alas) and had an abridged Address to the Haggis, with dramatic slicing actions by Mark! He also kindly led the opening guided meditation for us for the first time... A wee dram of single malt whisky was offered for those who wanted to partake, and a generous feast was had by one and all. Next month's meeting will be on Thursday 3rd March.