Loving Kindness Circle
This week in the Edgeley Zen Group, near Manchester, we explored a new form for loving - kindness (metta) meditation practice in a circle, created by Jeana Moore. In the practice, we invoke the receipients of our meditation into the circle, as if they are there with us, in ever widening circles. As we go round in council circle format with a talking - piece, each person says a little about why they are invoking that person, and gradually we try to hold or imagine a sense of all of us together. Jeana has been working with Steve Hart (Leeds) and Chris Starbuck (Manchester) to develop the new practice, and she's explored the traditional "rules of Council Circle" for this framework. We discussed these in the Edgeley group before practicing yesterday, naming them 'Grandmother Jeana's Guidelines' The new practice seemed much appreciated, it was a lovely evening.