
Showing posts from March, 2022

Interfaith Peacemaking in Leeds

      From the Peacemaker Circle in Leeds, this update from Steve Hart: We have an excellent harmonious on-line Peacemaker circle including Jeana, Chris and myself - all with a long history of training in various Peacemaker , sufi and Buddhist training. We have re-trained in the five Buddha family drawing on Peacemaker sources, various five wisdom resources and Tibetan Buddhism/Shaivite elemental dakini traditions. We have explored inter-religious training particularly looking at the life of Sheikh Nur / Lex Hixon and Jeana has shared some of her time with him and Sheikha Fariha of the Nur Ashki Jerrahi sufi lineage.   In Leeds, UK we have an in person Peacemaker Circle  which is well represented of the Afro Caribean and asian communities and we are currently training in the five Buddha mandala and exploring the three tenets in reflective zazen. We have also incorporated Jeana's trainings in guidelines for effective council circle and circ...