Leicester Great Heart Circle, Thurs 7th Oct

We held our monthly Great Heart Circle last night, with meditation and discussion on the theme of "metta", the Buddhist teaching of universal love. We read the Metta Sutta, a discourse from the earliest Buddhist scriptures on extending our hearts to all beings without exception, and also a couple of quotes from Islam and Buddhism which are remarkably similar:

Muhammad said to Anas: "My son, if you are able, from morning until night and from night until morning, keep your heart free from ill-will towards anyone." Then he added, "Oh! my son, this is one of my laws, and he who loves my laws, truly loves me."


The Buddha said: "Hatred never ends by more hating, but only by abandoning hate. This is an eternal law."

We ended once again with a shared sacred meal together. The next meeting will probably be the second instead of the first Thurs in Nov for a change, to be confirmed soon...


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