Leeds Zen Peacemaker Circle, 16th Dec 2008
Following the Leeds ZP Circle on Tuesday, here is a summary of events by Steve Shinchi Daishin...
Sadly I was ill and missed some of the meeting but here is an account of what I recorded. Maybe someone else could report in on the theatre ideas I missed ?
Sadly I was ill and missed some of the meeting but here is an account of what I recorded. Maybe someone else could report in on the theatre ideas I missed ?
We each drew up a mandala of the five Buddhas and decided to allocate our vision for the Circle to the relevant buddha family. We felt initially that meditation ideas should be designated to the Buddha Amitabha Padma family. However, Zang wondered about this and said that he wondered why we were allocating it to Amitabha when usually it is aligned with Vairocana Cosmic Buddha. Meditation does have a Padma quality in so far as it reveals aspects of our spiritual practise and how they relate to each person in the Circle; also the brahma viharas or 4 immeasurables are representative of this connectivity because of the interface between the meditator and the world. (Padma is equated with connectivity and community) but Vairochana is obviously more a meditative deity - coming from the Absolute which meditation tries to express.
The circle felt that we could do day workshops and retreats on meditation. Shinchi Daishin offered to lead mahamudra/heart type formless practise. Phillippa wanted us to meditate outside in better weather. Zang said he'd lead zazen. Kim said he could offer more of the nembutsu chanting from the Pure Land tradition. We felt sure in Anna's absence that we could ask her to do more Nityananda meditation.
The circle felt that we could do day workshops and retreats on meditation. Shinchi Daishin offered to lead mahamudra/heart type formless practise. Phillippa wanted us to meditate outside in better weather. Zang said he'd lead zazen. Kim said he could offer more of the nembutsu chanting from the Pure Land tradition. We felt sure in Anna's absence that we could ask her to do more Nityananda meditation.
Other Circle events could include Counting Your Blessings (Kim's suggestion) and walking meditation (Kim)
Phillippa wondered if we could explore christian contemplative practises, Zang suggested she look into Robert Eastwood and Wild Goose Sangha. Zang suggested we could explore our christian roots.
Then we explored Amoghasiddhi's action family. Amoghahsiddhi represents spontaneous compassionate activity. Shinchi said he wanted to build on his interfaith work, and the LS6 community arts scene and lead a Meditation 4 Mental Health in the new year with Leeds Survivors Poetry. Kim and Zang spoke of supporting asylum seekers. Zang is supporting an asylum seeker called Fatamuta and we spoke of how we could support her. Zang is to said details to each of us so we can write letters asking for her stay. Kim says we can do support work of this kind at the Common Place in Leeds. Phillippa drew attention to a church in Burley that offer asylum work and it was suggested that maybe we could forge links with them ? Shinchi felt that it was important for him to keep aware of the spiritual basis of engaged social outreach and to communicate this in Circle.
There was then a discussion on ensuring that we ask for and receive support within the Circle. Shinchi is having a difficult time at the moment with what appears to be either a infection, or muscle problem as well as panic attacks (it doesn't seem likely that there is a cardiac problem as was orginally thought). He'd appreciate people staying in touch but finds it difficult to identify what is needed from other people.
We have still to explore the Training/Akshobya principle, the Amitabha community connectivity family and the Ratnasambhava resources family. We need to identify what we want to do as a priority at the next meeting (which are suggested as being fortnightly). Does someone want to lead a meditation or chanting ? Shall we go onto the rest of the buddha family and explore our vision for the Circle ? Does someone else want to facilitate the Circle ? Maybe Anna or Kim or Phillippa ? It might be a good skill to learn and offer new opportunities of understanding the Circle ? Zang and myself have done this a fair bit now (Zang obviously much more than myself)
Phillippa wondered if we could explore christian contemplative practises, Zang suggested she look into Robert Eastwood and Wild Goose Sangha. Zang suggested we could explore our christian roots.
Then we explored Amoghasiddhi's action family. Amoghahsiddhi represents spontaneous compassionate activity. Shinchi said he wanted to build on his interfaith work, and the LS6 community arts scene and lead a Meditation 4 Mental Health in the new year with Leeds Survivors Poetry. Kim and Zang spoke of supporting asylum seekers. Zang is supporting an asylum seeker called Fatamuta and we spoke of how we could support her. Zang is to said details to each of us so we can write letters asking for her stay. Kim says we can do support work of this kind at the Common Place in Leeds. Phillippa drew attention to a church in Burley that offer asylum work and it was suggested that maybe we could forge links with them ? Shinchi felt that it was important for him to keep aware of the spiritual basis of engaged social outreach and to communicate this in Circle.
There was then a discussion on ensuring that we ask for and receive support within the Circle. Shinchi is having a difficult time at the moment with what appears to be either a infection, or muscle problem as well as panic attacks (it doesn't seem likely that there is a cardiac problem as was orginally thought). He'd appreciate people staying in touch but finds it difficult to identify what is needed from other people.
We have still to explore the Training/Akshobya principle, the Amitabha community connectivity family and the Ratnasambhava resources family. We need to identify what we want to do as a priority at the next meeting (which are suggested as being fortnightly). Does someone want to lead a meditation or chanting ? Shall we go onto the rest of the buddha family and explore our vision for the Circle ? Does someone else want to facilitate the Circle ? Maybe Anna or Kim or Phillippa ? It might be a good skill to learn and offer new opportunities of understanding the Circle ? Zang and myself have done this a fair bit now (Zang obviously much more than myself)
Take care - have a lovely solstice/xmas/happy new year - it would be good to see you guys over the next few weeks ?
with much love
Shinchi Daishin
p.s. While Shinchi wasn't with us, we discussed the possibility of Phillippa leading a workshop on internet web design and creation for us all, and we talked also about the possibilty of street theatre, comedy and mumming plays. Zang
p.s. While Shinchi wasn't with us, we discussed the possibility of Phillippa leading a workshop on internet web design and creation for us all, and we talked also about the possibilty of street theatre, comedy and mumming plays. Zang
I'm still confused about the relationship of zpc to the Great Heart Society?
Also, is there a ZPC Circle tonight Monday 7th of August? if so please email, and update you website, to include publicity for the meetings.
Steve Hart, months ago, said I could attend but then I heard nowt; it would be good to meet steve, but I do not do Facebook, or texts or even emails; I believe facetoface communication is the only real communication; I use these latter only in order to attend group meetings of any kind, or 1-to-1 meetings with people.
Compassion cannot be created by IT 'communications' I contend, real friendship is where its at.
My email is milanholbeckestan@yahoo.com and I have no mobile or other phone at present.
Milan Buddha Ghosh.
Somebody please contact steve Shinchidaishin Hart, URGENTly ad pass on this email to him.
I am feeling raw, and in a way that is OK, because when we suspend acting impulsively, on the basis of mindfulness, we restraint desire-driven behaviour, and suppress, and eventually conquer cravings.
I bear witness to my own passions, and thus sufferings and that of others, and am unpaid community warden/ active resident.
I respect the ZPC and bow down to all good people everywhere, and all good teachers.