Phillippa in Leeds to be our Story Collector!

Barbara Wegmueller has asked Phillippa from the Leeds Zen Peacemaker Circle to act as our national "Story Collector"! What that means is that, any interesting, important or funny news from the UK communities can be sent to her, and she'll write them up to be passed on to the wider Zen Peacemakers in Europe. In turn, Clemens in Switzerland is going to collect all the stories from countries in Europe and send them to Ken in New York! Ken in New York will compile them all a few times each year and send out an international e-newsletter with human-interest stories from the whole Zen Peacemaker world...

So, send anything you want shared to Phillippa at: !! I think it very likely that we'll also put together a UK stories newsletter too for more in depth UK gossip... (oops, I mean 'serious spiritual information'!)


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